Thursday, March 10, 2011

Twin Peaks Episode Eight Second Season Part One

Post your responses to episode eight here. Add a favorite 
quote from this episode.  Why do you think Leland's hair
turned white?
cheryl wilgren clyne


  1. I like the conversation between James & Donna. It makes me laugh hysterically. I also like the quote when Cooper was laying on the ground and he was talking to Diana saying something about I like it cool, but not too cool. And I like it 'something'..but not too 'something'.

    The white hair. I wonder if the supernatural thing is getting to him. It's as if he turned evil and his hair changed as well. He's all of a sudden really happy. A little too happy. I think the shock of Laura dying and him killing Jacques really changed him psychologically.

    Open ended things that I noticed was the one arm man coming into the station and asking about the Detective mysteriously. The stain that Madeline saw in her dream and in the livingroom. The old man not helping Agent Cooper. Donna trying to be sexual. I guess it's really up to our interpretation. And Doctor Jacoby describing a scent of oil during the strangulation of Jacques.

    I am still wondering who shot Cooper. I am guessing it's the same person that beat Dr. Jacoby. I think there is going to be more psychological events that will occur in the following episodes since that's Lynch's main forte.

  2. The part with the old guy and Agent Cooper layin on the ground was really weird. Like he just walks out and just keeps coming back, and doesn't even notice that he's hurt. I love how he walks with the milk in his tray, what a cute old man. "How ya doin down there?"

    Laura's dad is just getting more and more crazy as the episodes go on, all the singing parts in this episode were pretty intense.

    I'm curious about that meals on wheels note and if it actually means something or if its just another one of Lynch's weird unneccesary clues.

    I totally forgot about that Ronette girl, she's having some pretty crazy dreams. I'm sure well start to see more of her and probably get some good clues out of her.

    The log lady.. "I am filled with questions". She is really onto everyone. I bet she'll solve the whole thing in the end.

  3. First off the scene with the room service guy is really weird, and almost awkwardly long.

    The scene with the giant is also weird but it also has some really interesting camera angles that I enjoyed.

    I still think that Leland killed Laura. He was probably mad that she was having relations with Leo and that Jac, If I were here dad I would be. But now I am confused because that other girl woke up and she was having what I assume are flashbacks and Leland was definitely not in them, it was that weird guy that Laura's mom had visions of. So maybe Leland hired him or something? I don't know.

  4. You can already see the differences so far in season 1 and season 2. I felt like the difference in pacing was very noticeable. In this first episode in season 2, everything was much slower. I suppose this could just be because it is the first episode though; it might change back! Also, more weird, unexplainable things have been happening. For example, the extremely tall guy that gives agent Cooper clues and then at the end of the episode make some yellow orb thing fly into his head. Everything about it seems more lynch-y to me!

    I still don't know why Leland's hair changed. I know stress can alter the color of one's hair, but Leland's hair was COMPLETELY white. I don't think a person's hair could change that drastically overnight.

    I would really like to know what the heck is up with Donna. She thinks she is the new Audrey and she is not! Why is she acting this way? I think Donna and James had the most memorable conversation about smoking in this episode.

    I am also confused by the shoe salesman. When he came in, Lucy got all tense and I felt like something bad was going to happen. Then it cut to another scene and I forgot all about it!
